2024-2025 Candidates!


The colored bars under each candidate's headshot represent their infraction level. The infractions are posted on the candidates platform pages, the colors represent a range of points. There are five infraction levels:

Green: 0-3 points 


Yellow: 4-6 points


Orange: 7-9 points


Brown: 10-12 points


Red: 13+ points


President and Vice-President

Alex Shuron & Sophia Pries


President: Alex Shuron & VP: Sophia Pries

Liv & Trishelle


President: Olivia Gauthier & VP: Trishelle Hoopes

CET Senator

Damien Hacke


Damian Hacke

CHST Senator

Sammy Deol


Sammy Deol

CAD Senator

Anaanya Poddar


Anaanya Poddar

Sydney Hartpence


Sydney Hartpence

COLA Senator

Katherine Hansson


Katherine Hansson

COS Senator

Ana Paolini Carrano


Ana Paolini Carrano

GCCIS Senator

Alex Kilroy


Alex Kilroy

KGCOE Senator

Charlie Gagliardo


Charlie Gagliardo

NTID Senator

Mika Bremke


Mika Bremke

Astrid Zambori


Astrid Zambori

SCB Senator

Mike Hibbard


Mike Hibbard

Sonakshi Das


Sonakshi Das

SOIS Senator



Cross-Registered Senator

Emma Kane


Emma Kane

Thomas Moody


Thomas Moody

Graduate Senator



Greek Senator


Matt Diss


Matt Diss

Women's Senator

Eliot Gavin


Eliot Gavin

ACA President and Vice-President

Guerline & Jaharie


Guerline Guerrier & Jaharie Waterman-Jordan

Global Union President and Vice-President

Tobi & Aniruddha


Tobi Fadipe & Aniruddha Roy

Outspoken President and Vice-President

Daniel & Willow


Daniel Amburgey & Willow Rose

NSC President and Vice-President